According to government documents, the UK has expanded the government ban on importing Russian gold.

Appearing on a British government website, the documents note the ban will target “gold jewelry originating in Russia where the jewelry was exported from Russia on or after October 29, 2022,” and any gold refined or processed in foreign countries which “incorporates gold that on or after July 21, 2022 originated in, or was exported from, Russia.”

The new rules also forbid providing “technical assistance, financial services and funds or brokering services” which will facilitate the import of any banned gold products.

The documents do note that items for personal use or which obtain a special import license would be exempted from the ban. The new regulations go into effect on January 1st of 2023.

As part of the sanctions imposed upon Moscow following the start of the military conflict in Ukraine, the UK, the US, Canada, and Japan all agreed to ban the import of Russian gold over the summer. That ban had targeted newly mined and refined gold, but did not target any gold which has been previously exported from Russia, or any other gold products which had originally come from the country.

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